Diabetes Raises Dementia Risk — Here’s How to Mitigate It
How well you control your blood sugar over time could significantly impact your risk of developing dementia. A study of 374,021 older veterans with diabetes uncovered a crucial connection between long-term blood sugar management and cognitive...
Poor Oral Health Wreaks Havoc on Your Heart and Brain
Keeping your teeth clean and gums healthy isn't just a cosmetic concern. Apart from giving you a bright and pleasant smile, proper oral hygiene also influences your overall well-being. Think of your mouth as a window to your physical and mental...
The Pitfalls of Constant Snacking: Understanding the Migrating Motor Complex
In today's fast-paced world, snacking has become a common habit for many. While it might seem like a harmless way to keep hunger at bay, constant snacking can have detrimental effects on our digestive system, particularly on a crucial process known...
The Ketogenic Diet Can Put Your Cardiovascular Health at Risk
For several years, I recommended the ketogenic as way to optimize your metabolic and mitochondrial health. As it was backed by plenty of published research, it seemed logical to follow this direction. But since I discovered the work of the late Ray...
Some Cases of Diabetes May Simply Be a Vitamin B6 Deficiency
Your body's ability to regulate blood sugar relies on a complex dance between different cells in your pancreas. Research has uncovered a fascinating new player in this intricate process — "first responder" beta cells.1 These special cells are the...
Did Big Tobacco Create the Processed Food Industry?
Imagine walking down the grocery store aisle, reaching for your favorite snack or convenience meal. Now, picture the same scene, but with an unexpected twist: the masterminds behind those tempting, perfectly engineered flavors aren't food...
Unlocking Dairy’s Digestibility: Understanding the A1 vs A2 Beta-Casein Difference
Dairy products are superfoods! They provide an array of essential vitamins, minerals and other health promoting compounds including Calcium, Vitamin K2, B Vitamins, Protein, gut-supporting probiotics, and healthy fats, including the odd-chain...
The Many Forgotten Health Benefits of Aspirin
For years, you've probably heard that a daily low-dose aspirin can help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Now, suddenly, health authorities are backpedaling on this advice.1 Why the change? They claim it's about bleeding risks, but there's more to...
Essential Oils — An Effective and Healthy Option to Treat Headaches
Headaches are a common complaint, suffered by 45 million Americans each year, or nearly 17% of the population. They also are the most common medical complaints accounting for 8 million doctor visits each year.1 Less severe, but not less...