Maintain Strong Bones
Weight-bearing activities that involve lifting or pushing your own body weight - such as walking, jogging, or dancing - help to maintain strong bones.
Posture Check
Improving your posture may reduce your risk for cervical degeneration by improving your cervical curve. This will help to offset the daily stress most people put on their neck by sitting at a desk or in front of their computers all day, or by...
Headache Journal
Headaches can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Keeping a headache diary may help you discover what your headache triggers are. Read full story
How To Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels To Never Feel Sad, Stressed Or Depressed Again
Dopamine is necessary for your happiness and well-being. It is a neurotransmitter that helps with the control of your brain’s pleasure and reward center, regulation of your emotional response, movement of your body and it allows you to take action...
Clinical Studies Confirm What Happens to Your Body When You Eat 1 Cup of Quinoa
Often mistaken as a gluten-free grain, quinoa is actually a highly nutritious vegetable seed rather than a grain. Quinoa is a vegetable related to beets and spinach that delivers a very rare vegetable-sourced complete protein with all 9 essential...
Eye Level
Our bodies aren't designed to look down, so raise your mobile device up to your eye level. Read Full Story
Chocolate may improve cognitive function within hours
Need an excuse to raid that chocolate stash? A new review may provide just that. Researchers have found that cocoa flavanols could boost cognitive function within just a few hours of consumption. Additionally, researchers found that regular,...
Restless Leg Syndrome Home Remedies
Creepy crawly misery. I can’t speak for everyone else’s experience with Restless Leg Syndrome, but that pretty much sums it up for me. I struggled with this sleep thief off and on since I was about 8 years old, and was taking tranquilizers to...
Combat Forward Head Posture
Improving your posture may reduce your risk for cervical degeneration by improving your cervical curve. This will help to offset the daily stress most people put on their neck by sitting at a desk or in front of their computers all day, or by...